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Connecting People to God's Love

We Believe

We believe in God the Father, The Son
and The Holy Spirit.

We gather by the Spirit, around the word and sacraments as we praise God, confess our faith and give thanks to God. We teach the love of the Triune God, the Father, creator of all that exists, Jesus Christ, the Son, who became human to suffer and die for our sins, and was risen from the dead having victory over death and Satan, and the Holy Spirit who creates faith through God's word and sacrament. We believe that we are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Join us for Worship!

Saturdays at 6:00 pm

Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30 am

Sunday School at 9:15am (Sept -May)

Holy Communion is offered at all services. 

You can watch our Sunday 10:30 worship services
on YouTube, along with Pastor Mike's weekly
Lectionary Study videos.

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