Get to know our ministry teams!
Those who are interested are welcome to join these teams by contacting the church office.
Faith Formation at Zion encompasses all aspects of our lives. Our commitment is to journey with each person from birth to death as they engage in spiritual practices, respectful relationships, guided learning, and faith-filled service.
Faith Formation / Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Parish Life Ministry plans and coordinates congregational events to gather together for food, fellowship and conversation of our faith with each other, always seeking to encourage a congregational culture of welcome and hospitality.
Parish Life Ministry
Worship and Music is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the worship services. This committee coordinates and scheduled the activities of the Lectionary Readers, Ushers, Communion Servers, Intercessors, and other volunteer members who participate in our workship services.
Worship and Music Ministry
Mission and Outreach coordinates and organizes the many ways we embody the gospel in the community and for each other.
Mission and Outreach Ministry
Property and Facilities manages the care and maintenance of the historic building and its property that is our congregational home.
Property & Facilities
Stewardship and Administration coordinates and oversees gift and talent management, call and staffing. It includes two sub-committees: Finance Committee and Safety & Security Committee.